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Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Full Moon

Croix des Gardes "Full moon party"
The highlight of the BVI calendar is the Full Moon Party at Trellis Bay. Locals and visitors alike descend on the beach outside Aragorn’s studio to celebrate the lunar event with food, drinks and fire.
Not stars, but anchor lights - hundreds of them
The crowded bay became even more congested and we were glad to have arrived a day early. As new arrivals tried to find a space, tensions grew - “you’re too close” or “you’re over my anchor” were commonly heard. Some charter boats even had their fenders out whilst at anchor and a large cat at anchor was already gently bumping a resident small yacht on her mooring, whilst another ran aground on the island in the centre of the bay. James even was compelled to collect a neighbour’s insurance details when we could almost step across onto their transom, but eventually they sensibly moved.

The party contiues into the sea
One of Aragorn's fire sculptures

The bustle was worth it. As the sun set and the moon rose, Aragorn lit his fire sculptures on the sand and in the sea, the bands played and a thousand yachties drank and chatted. The kids played on he ropes, trees and hammocks with a myriad of other children and our new acquaintances performed their aerialist display from an orb suspended over the crowd from a crane.
Aerialists above the crowd

Jade and Nichole perform

Elizabeth is inspired by the aerialists


  1. tell Elizabeth to read the small print on the contract before she signs up with Jade and mum xxx

  2. I was a bit worried from some of your photos that too much washing was causing the children to shrink but the photo here shows that Elizabeth's legs are as lovely and long as ever. Love Granddad XOXOXOXO
