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Tuesday, 5 February 2013

St Johns

Deep Bay is the watery grave of a large iron barque which sank in the entrance. She lies with her main mast just out of the water in the mouth of the bay. I got the chance to dive on her whilst the children snorkelled above. The Andes sank in 1905, carrying pitch from Trinidad. The crew noticed smoke coming from one of the masts and suspected the pitch had ignited. She was consequently refused entry to St. Johns and so she rounded up into Deep Bay instead where the fire took the ship after they opened the holds for a look. She lies erect in 4 to 6m and is still surprisingly intact.
Wreck of the Andes, Antigua
We then moved round to the Redcliffe Quay, St. Johns, where we had three attempts to get the anchor to hold in the fine stinking silt off the city dock and came ashore to join the several thousand tourists off two massive cruise ships in dock.

Tomorrow we shall swing by the active volcano of Montserrat before continuing onto Nevis and St. Kitts for Thursday.


  1. Luke pulled out. Something to think about :] H

  2. Oh and by the way, your yacht is beautiful. H

  3. I received a super e-mail from E yesterday - thank you very much. I sent a reply by chat but she may have missed it. It was great to hear from her, I think that Mum was wrong and the number was 76 not 75. Lots of lover Granddad XOXOXOXO

  4. Is that right? I hadn't heard. Well!
