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Thursday, 27 June 2013

Anticipated Return

For those of you eagerly awaiting news on Croix des Gardes and her crew as she approaches the UK today, the AIS Marine Traffic website has not yet spotted her our side of The Pond. We worked out that we had to be within 5nm of a base station to be 'seen'. There are stations on the Scillies and at The Lizard. James should pass close enough to the former to be picked up sometime early this morning - the latest positions and speeds suggest between 7am and 9am - and they should then be tracked pretty much all the way in.

AIS also shows the steady stream of ships making their way up and down the Channel as well as a small hadnful of other yachts approaching from the Atlantic so she should be in good company.


  1. I can see them on the link!

    Just south of the Scillies!


  2. I am now watching you so behave yourselves. Love Granddad XOXOXO

  3. I too am watching! AIS connecting - Halifax yesterday Scillies today - fast trip. Enjoy your arrival and celebrations. Love H

  4. how exciting. anybody whho would like to come to Plymouth is welcome to stay with us

  5. Congratulations and celebrations! Well done on completion of your amazing journey! Hope Blighty has welcomed you home warmly and that you have a fabulous homecoming celebration. We'll be toasting you tonight!! Love to all the crew. Janie xxxxxx
