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Sunday, 16 June 2013

Day 7 and a time zone change

We passed the 45th meridian about midnight, so a new time zone and only 3 hours of UK time.

We had a quirky position at 0735, of 44 02N 44 02W. Small things amuse you when you spend hours alone on watch!

Making excellent progress in a good southerly and no fog at the moment. With some luck we might even get to see the sun again!

Position at 0800 local
44 05N 43 58W



  1. spooky numbers - bet u cant do that again - hoping for some warmer weather for u all - love Bette x x

  2. Happy Father's Day to all three dads aboard.

  3. Current position puts you only 640nm from nearest land - Flores and Corvo (far west Azores) and 1650nm to Plymouth.

    From Noonsite:
    "Flores now has a new, small marina in Lajes das Flores, run by a very cruiser-friendly manager. A good choice for shelter in anything but a N/NEasterly and a delightful island to visit."

    Next time, maybe?

    1. Glad to hear there's the possibility of a 'next time' (now how to wangle a reason to be in the northern hemisphere then)
