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Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Bloody Windy

tshe stars have gone but the sun hasn't come out! Its blowing 30 odd knots from the SSW and pouring with rain. Lovely.

Morning position at 0630
41 53N 56 50W
2160nm to run to Plymouth by great circle route!


  1. Unfortunately, it's looking unsettled across The Pond for the rest of the week and it's a fine line between too much wind in the south squeezed against too little wind or easterlies in a band to the north.

    How are the crew coping? I'm feeling better about my own lack of sea legs now. If it gets too much, Lidia could always fly on from the Azores. Remember Charles Darwin suffered terribly and would have left The Beagle in the Canary Islands had they not been confined aboard by quarantine regulations. Look what he went on the achieve!

    1. Gawd, they're in amongst it aren't they. Been looking at the grib data and trying to plot their position as best I can. Tell them we're all thinking of them, if they're not getting the blog and keep posting their position for us amateurs.

      Looking on the bright side...CdG is going to be much happier sailing than motoring -)
