This is the tale of a crazed ocean sailor, his wife, their two young children and their 65 year old yacht as they race across the Atlantic Ocean to cruise the Caribbean, Bahamas and Eastern Seaboard of the USA before returning home across The Pond.
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Wednesday, 26 June 2013
SMS from
Noon position 49 26n 08 35w. light north wind four over the ground.
Approaching the lights of the Scillies and Cornwall
When I search for their position using Google Maps, I can see land even using the 10 mile scale bar. Far cry from last week when it was a struggle to see land even with 200 miles as the scale.
When I search for their position using Google Maps, I can see land even using the 10 mile scale bar. Far cry from last week when it was a struggle to see land even with 200 miles as the scale.