This is the tale of a crazed ocean sailor, his wife, their two young children and their 65 year old yacht as they race across the Atlantic Ocean to cruise the Caribbean, Bahamas and Eastern Seaboard of the USA before returning home across The Pond.
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Thursday, 20 June 2013
Evening, Day 1
Clocks changed and wind building up, so an early even update.
Position at 17:05 local (GMT -1)
47 11N 29 31W
Wind F6, SSW Seas about 3-4 m
Good speed and comfortable with 2 reefs and a heavily rolled genoa.
Map reading has always given me pleasure but plotting your course mid Atlantic in a storm ruffles this armchair sailor! From Atlantic weather maps I conclude the worst is north west of you now. Hope my conclusion correct - wish you all well and some ensuing comfort. Love H
Map reading has always given me pleasure but plotting your course mid Atlantic in a storm ruffles this armchair sailor! From Atlantic weather maps I conclude the worst is north west of you now. Hope my conclusion correct - wish you all well and some ensuing comfort. Love H