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Sunday, 30 June 2013

Crew Changes

We have settled down in Plymouth and the transatlantic crew have departed, back to their families and boyfriends, but we have two new crew that have joined us; Madamoiselle Ensign and General Napoleon.  Two 3 month old kittens, one  black tortoise shell (Mlle E) and one black (M. N).

Full of playful kitteness, E thinks they are better than television!

Cornelius and his family have made us wonderfully welcome in Plymouth, but time constraints mean w are off to Dartmouth in the morning for a couple of day and then the run up to Cowes.


  1. Does that mean you have also lost Lidia?
    Make sure the kittens are chicken-friendly for your return to land, and post some photos!

  2. more mouths to feed with the new crew - hope they will soon be trained up to the rigours of the boat. good distraction for E and M - hope they dont get seasick. love Bette x x x

  3. What was the result of the sweep and to whom do I owe my pound?

  4. What was the result of the sweep please and to whom do I owe my pound?

  5. Are the cats on board to keep the mice away from the ships biscuits?
